
http://www.lss.bc.ca/ or 1.866.577.2525
This is the Legal Services Society- a non-profit & non-government organization that provides free legal services to those in financial difficulty. Although they give priority to those with low incomes (legal aid), they have many services available for all people in BC including useful Family law guides and access to legal advice from Duty Counsels.
http://accessprobono.ca/ or 1.877.762.6664
This is the Access Pro Bono Society of BC website. The Society focuses on the legal advice program. It is a non-profit organization with all services offered free of charge. The appointment section allows you to find workshops in your area by topic. They also offer a Civil Chambers which provides legal services for low to modest income individuals involved in civil litigation before the BC Supreme Court.
http://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/justice/criminal-justice/victims-of-crime/victimlinkbc or 1.800.563.0808
This service provides support, information and 24/7 referral service for victims of crime, and immediate assistance to victims of family and sexual violence. It offers services in many languages.
This website is run by the Law Society of BC. It gives you detailed information on how to find a lawyer and what to expect during your first meeting. It also explains what fees you may be charged and common billing practices. It has a Lawyer Lookup function, where you can search for a lawyer by last name.
https://www.accessprobono.ca/our-programs/lawyer-referral-service or 1.800.663.1919.
Access Pro Bono offers the Lawyer Referral Service, or LRS program. It is a voluntary program, so not all lawyers are members. If you need a lawyer, phone the number listed, and they will provide you with the name and number of a lawyer in your area who works in the LRS and who will provide a 30 minute free consultation. The consultation is designed to help you determine your legal needs and you may have the choice of retaining the lawyer at an agreeable rate if you require further help after the free consultation.