Emotional Literacy or How to Check-in with Yourself
Research suggests that simply understanding how and why we are feeling the way we do can help ease the symptoms of anxiety that we feel...

Coping with second-hand trauma of the pandemic
As the global community works to contain the transmission of COVID-19 with vaccination and continuation of social distancing and other...

Feeling connected during COVID-19
While these unusual times require physically distancing ourselves from others, it does not necessarily mean we should keep ourselves...

Tending to your Mental Health during COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically altered our lives in the past couple of months. During these unprecedented times of uncertainty and...

Working towards a happier, healthier you in the new year
With the new year being just a few days old, it is not too late to think about how you would like the upcoming months to unfold. While...

Pursuing your dreams and staying positive can improve mental health
Have you ever experienced that flicker of excitement and happiness after accomplishing a goal or a long-held dream? Often, when we...

Journaling as an anti-stress tool
According to Statistics Canada, more than 1 in 4 Canadian workers stated that their life was “highly stressful” in 2010. In 2019, stress...

New study sheds light on issue of coping with boredom
We’ve all had our share of experiences with boredom, whether we encounter it while completing a monotonous activity at work or attending...

Is your daily cup(s) of java a blessing or a curse?
Who can resist the deliciously rich and tempting aroma and flavour of a freshly brewed cup of coffee? Many of us rely on our daily cup(s)...

Letting your mind wander could help spark creative ideas
Have you ever struggled over a seemingly unsolvable problem at work or racked your brain for an innovative idea for your next art project...