Put on your dancing shoes Double click me.
Dancing provides physical, psychological, and social benefits!
In the US, "National Dance Day" was started in 2010 to "encourage Americans to embrace dance as a fun and positive way to maintain health and fight obesity."
Studies have shown that dancing improves:
Walking speed
Reaction time
Cognitive performace
Fine motor performance

Dancing may also be good for your mood. It has been shown to reduce depression, anxiety, and stress and boost self-esteem, body image, coping ability, and overall sense of well-being, with the benefits lasting over time.
Dancing is not just for young people! Dancing can improve balance amoung the elderly. A study has also shown that dancing may help those with Parkinson's disease, which is characterized by rigid muscles, impaired balance, and slow movement.

Which type of dancing should you choose?
There are many types of dance. Each dance varies in intensity, impact, and difficulty. If dancing gets your heart rate up, it can be a good form of aerobic exercise, which is good for your heart.
Step-aerobics definitely gets your heart rate up! Based on a 150-pound person, step-aerobics dancing burns more than 500 calories an hour. Swing-dancing is less intense, burning up to 350 calories an hour, similar to tap-dancing. Tango is slower, burning less than 200 an hour.
You can also choose dancing based on what style you prefer. For example, if you want something spicy, try salsa or mambo. If you prefer groups, try folk or line-dancing. If you are a beginner, try fox-trot; if you are advanced, try quick-step.
And if you can't see yourself in a dance studio, or don't have the time, many fitness facilities offer dance-fitness classes such as Zumba, and you can even dance at home with programs such as Wii Fit.