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Safety Tips for Women: Getting to Work. Double click me.
Unfortunately we live in a society where women are still routinely harassed. Until we get to a point where this is no longer the case, it is a good idea for women to take some precautions. Some useful tips are below:

If you travel by bus/transit system:
Carry a schedule (electronic or otherwise)
After dark, arrive just before the vehicle is due.
On the bus, sit near others and/or the driver.
Use the "Request Stop" service if available.
Use any devices intended to alert transit police or other authorities anonymously.
If you travel by car:
Do not identify your keys with car plate numbers or name/address.
Carry personal safety alarms on your key chain. They will help attract attention if you are attacked.
Keep your car in good repair, and gas tank at least 1/2 full.
Park in well-lit spaces. Walk with others after dark.
If you use underground parkades, make sure you park near the attendant or exit.
Have your key ready, and check inside the car to make sure no-one is hiding.
Don't open your car window more than one inch to speak with someone approaching your car, and just drive away if you feel uncomfortable.
If you suspect another car is following your car, do not go home. Drive to a service/police/fire station and stay in your car, honking the horn in repeated blasts until someone comes out to help you (or use your phone to call ahead).
If you travel by walking:
Wear comfortable shoes.
If you are using a stairwell be sure it is well-lit and that you can quickly exit to a safe place.
Stay on well lit streets, in the centre of the sidewalk, away from bushes, doorways and parked cars -anywhere that an attacker can hide.
If you think someone is following you, turn around and check. Let them know you are aware of their presence. Do not go to your car or your house. Cross the street and go to a safe place, such as a store or restaurant.

If you are flying:
Check for early and late shuttle bus service.
Leave only your car key with parking lot attendants.
Do not accept rides from people you have met on the airplane, and be cautious about sharing taxis.
Hotel Safety
Make sure your reservations are guaranteed if you're arriving late.
Purchase a travel lock or alarm/motion detector for hotel room doors (these are available from locksmiths).
Leave instructions at the front desk not to give out your room number or name.
Get a room on upper floors close to the elevator. Make sure you are aware from stairwells, and fire stairs/exits.
Do not enter the room if you suspect someone is in there, if you are being followed, or if someone is lingering near your door.
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