Low glucose levels found to affect mood
If you’ve ever noticed yourself feeling irritable, upset, or even sluggish when you are hungry, it might help to know that there are actual physiological reasons behind that.
A new study by the University of Guelph has shown that lower glucose levels have a negative effect on mood. Researchers studied the effect of low glucose levels on rats who were administered a glucose metabolism blocker to induce hypoglycemia. Post experiencing hypoglycemia, the rats were found to have higher levels of corticosterone, a stress hormone, and exhibit increased sluggishness. Researchers also found that they were able to counteract the sluggish behaviour by giving a common anti-depressant to the rats, suggesting that the rats’ low energy levels post experiencing hypoglycemia may be an indicator of a low mood state.
Although skipping or delaying meals from time to time may not have long-term effects, researchers believe that continually missing meals can have lasting effects on mood and stress levels. This indicates that our diet can have a significant impact on how we feel. Making sure that we’re eating meals on time as well as having nutritious food can bring us a step closer to optimizing our mental as well as physical well-being.
“Link between hunger and mood explained” (2018). Retrieved from www.sciencedaily.com.