The importance of giving thanks all year long
While many individuals may not celebrate Thanksgiving in its traditional manner or celebrate it at all, it may not be such a bad idea to...

Low glucose levels found to affect mood
If you’ve ever noticed yourself feeling irritable, upset, or even sluggish when you are hungry, it might help to know that there are...

Is low-fat dairy preferable over full-fat options?
Should you or shouldn’t you? That question has likely gone through your mind a few times before while browsing through the milk aisle at...

Does Depression or Anxiety Keep You Up at Night?
Insomnia is a type of sleep disorder in which a person has trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking up too early. These...

Childhood friendships can lead to healthier adulthoods
Remember those good old days when your biggest concern was to find the most elusive hiding spot to avoid discovery while playing your...

How Omega-3s can support brain health
While Omega-3 supplements might appear to be the latest fad, there is actually some truth to the health claims made about these fatty...

Music and Anxiety
Everyone has a favourite genre of music they listen to for various reasons. Even if you can’t carry a tune for the sake of your favourite...

Raw vegetables and fruits are better for your mental health
If you are looking for ways to beat the blues or improve your overall mental health, you might want to start with taking a look at what’s...

Injuries due to overuse of mobile devices
The prevalence of mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops has ensured that information is always available to us at the...

Self-cyberbullying on the rise among teens
Cyberbullying has been a growing concern over the past decade due to the prevalence of mobile devices, social media networks, and apps....